Fondazione Innovazione Urbana – Liv.In.G. Live Internationalization Gateway

The Fondazione per l’Innovazione Urbana (FIU): an ‘open and widespread lab’ focusing on urban innovation. FIU is a lab for analysis, communication, development, and co-production focused on urban transformations. Our goals are organized into three main pillars that highlight the path the City of Bologna is following in the near future to become more welcoming and sustainable, to strengthen local urban welfare, and to boost urban and digital democracy. We are committed to addressing social, environmental, and technological challenges within urban organisms. To this end, we act as a ‘collective brain’ and hub of urban change, a catalyst for ideas and activities, and a place where citizens, public institutions, associations, social movements, and all representatives of the economic, social, and cultural worlds can meet, discuss, and interact proactively.

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