Kultura Nova Foundation – Liv.In.G. Live Internationalization Gateway

Kultura Nova Foundation provides professional and financial support to civil society organizations (CSOs) in contemporary arts and culture in Croatia. As a grant making foundation it creates various support programmes through which it improves organizational capacities for arts production and distribution as well as for independent cultural spaces management, encourages the development of new cultural and artistic projects, strengthens cultural cooperation on the European, national, and local levels, supports audience development and creates better conditions for organizational and artistic remembrance. It also develops its own educational programmes in the field of cultural management for the representatives of cultural civil society organisations. In order to create sustainable landscape for civil sector in the field of culture, Kultura Nova participates in the formation of innovative cultural policies, advocates transformation of Croatian cultural system and institutional framework, and develops research programmes to create arguments for better understanding of the complex position and status of the civil sector in culture, creation of long-term strategies for their activities and building of Foundation’s new projects.


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