SANJA BURLOVIC – Liv.In.G. Live Internationalization Gateway

Sanja Burlović, coordinator of the association, also in charge of networking and partnership programs, born in Rijeka in 1977, studied history/art history on University of Humanistic Science in Zagreb. Non-formal education: Center for Peace Studies, peace activism, strategic planning of organizational development in non-profit cultural organizations, production in culture. since 2000, she participated in the organization of a number of ad hoc initiatives and their actions,and also work as the head of finance on projects in To the Center for Women Victims of War. She was president of the management board of the Alliance Operation City in 2011, working member group for the implementation of projects in the Clubture network 2012 – 2018. Member of the SU Klubture Board of Directors from 2018 – 2021; 2012-2015.
Employed at Alliance Operation City as a project assistant. He volunteers at Centre for Peace Studies on programs support and assistance in integration for refugees and asylum seekers. Leads programs dedicated to refugees in AKC, active is also in coordination for the integration of refugees and the Welcome Initiative. In AKC, he runs the program of the gallery Siva, programs informal education, networking programs, partnerships and cooperation. For many years (since 2004) he has been working in to the management of creative industries – in the production of festivals, such as Seasplash (volunteer coordinator), Outlook, Dimensions (since 2010 as assistant manager for ticket sales, later as chief sales manager). Part of the editorial board of the book Our story: 15 years of Attack; is actively used in English and Italian, and passively in Spanish.

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