VIKTORIA KOSTOVA – Liv.In.G. Live Internationalization Gateway

I am based in Sofia, Bulgaria and I work as a freelance content creator and cultural practitioner. I am very interested in the topics of cultural entrepreneurship, educational initiatives in culture, sustainability in the cultural sector, alternative ways of funding, collective authorship and dreaming. One of my most recent projects is ICC/ Imaginative Choreographic Center with many ideas to develop, mainly about intersectionality, equity and equality in the cultural affairs. In my practice I have worked with numerous local and international organizations in the cultural and educational fields, contributing to the co-creation of experimenting content with strong alternative vision. I graduated my Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and I am currently finishing my Master’s degree in Management of Cultural Institutions and Creative Industries. I have also taken part in additional trainings in the field of culture and project management such as “Academy for Cultural Management” by Goethe Institute and “International School of Project Management” in Italy.

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